A huge piece fell into place for us here in mid September. Gaia hasn't been in school since we got here. At first it was to let her settle in and make friends. Adjust. Then it was summer and we traveled. But now it was fall and school. Except the school year here starts in February. And I was having a hard time getting her into a place mid year and the place we picked I felt pretty good about. But not great. And then they started dragging their feet talking about '...next year....' Last week, I put into my matrix that I wanted her in a settled place, in school where she would thrive. Two days after, a friend of mine told me about a learning pod her friend was hosting at their home. We tried it today. And it blew us away. Six other girls between 8-11 yo. Certified teacher, each day is a different subject matter day, and it goes four days a week from 8-230. Today was math. They sit in a palapa on the ground as they are comfortable, and they do group work, work in pairs, independently, and can help each other and ask peers for help. In between instruction, group and independent work, there was autonomy of body and decisions. They played on a trampoline, found a snail eating snake in the jungle, went on a scavenger hunt in the acre of the jungle on the property, had organic freshly made vegan pumpkin and coconut yellow curry, fresh fruit, and popcorn...and investigated their world. They have a Spanish teacher in the afternoons twice a week and a social emotional teacher the other two afternoons a week. Tomorrow is language and literacy. More games, more learning, more adventures. I've never seen her so excited about school. I know it's new and the honeymoon will fade, but she begged me to go back. My heart is so full that she can. I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds for her. Every time, I ask the universe for a sign we are where we are supposed to be, that path we are forging is the correct one...I get an unmistakable and resounding answer like this. The magic is so big...so elemental. And I'm so grateful.